Unable to Connect to C$ with a UNC connection on Windows Server 2008 (2k8), Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012 (2k12)

Windows Vista, 7, Server 2008, 2008 R2 and newer Windows operating systems do not allow a user that is NOT the local Administrator access to the UNC location of c$ as it is considered an administrative share. This is a security within UAC (That I recommend leaving intact, I like security). Wiki makes mention of re enabling the access here.  There is mention of this in a answer page on Microsoft here.  A workaround is to create a folder and share that, then from the second machine UNC to \\hostname\sharename replacing ‘hostname’ with the hostname or IP and replacing ‘sharename’ with the name of the share created.  I failed to realize this right away and was trying to connect to \\hostname\c$\sharename unsuccessfully.





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