In Dreamweaver
Pre CS:
Step 1: Go to the ‘Files’ section in the sidebar.
Step 2: Click the ‘Options’ icon
Step 3: Select ‘View’
Step 4: Click on ‘Show Hidden Files’
CS Versions:
Step 1: If you don’t have one already, create a new Site, even a temporary one.
Step 2: Go back to the ‘File’ panelss
Step 3: Click on the small icon at the very top and the very right of the Files pane
Step 4: In the context menu click on ‘View’
Step 5: Click on ‘Show hidden files’
In Filemanager
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Select the ‘web’ folder
Step 3: Select Preferences from the tools menu.
Step 4: Tick the ‘File Display’ -‘ Do you want to show hidden files?’ checkbox (NB: The directory will refresh showing the hidden files.)
Step 5: You can then delete / copy / move the file using the Commands menu.
In CuteFTP
Step 1: Go to Sitemanager.
Step 2: Choose the connection and click edit.
Step 3: Make sure filters is checked.
Step 4: Press the filter button towards the bottom.
Step 5: Check [Enable remote filters (Server applied filter)]
Step 6: In the box below add -al
Step 7: Hit apply, now log in with that connection.
Version 8.03 and earlier:
On the remote site, under the MkDir button, locate the blank box. In the blank box type -la. Then, hit the Refresh button. This will list all files in the directory.
In Site Options for your site you can set Edit | Startup | Remote File Mask to
-la to always view all hidden files at the target site, regardless of directory.
Version 9.0 and later:
In version 9.0 and later, the File Mask is not enabled on the Command Bar by default. (The Command Bar is a toolbar at the top of each file list that provides quick access to file or folder functions within the view.) You can Add the File Mask to the Command Bar if you select the down arrow located to the far right edge of the toolbar to display a menu that allows Add or Remove Buttons.
In Fetch
Step 1: Open the Preferences.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Misc’ tab
Step 3: Click on the ‘Obscure Options’ popup menu.
Step 4: Check the ‘Send LIST -al to UNIX servers’
In BBEdit
Click the checkbox that says ‘Show Files Starting with “.”‘
In Transmit
Step 1: Open the Preferences.
Step 2: Click on ‘Files’ in the Toolbar.
Step 3: Check the box that says ‘Show all Hidden Files.”
In FTP Voyager
Step 1: Select a profile in the FTP Site Profile Manager.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Advanced’ button.
Step 3: Select the category ‘Connection’.
Step 4: Enter “-la” in the Extra LIST Parameter.
In SecureFX
Step 1: Right click on the connection before logging on.
Step 2: Select “properties”.
Step 3: Select Category > Options > FTP.
Step 4: On this screen you shall see a box that says “Directory Listing Options”. Select the option “All entries”, then log in.
In LeechFTP
Step 1: Run Leech FTP
Step 2: Select “File”, “Options”
Step 3: Select “Transfers” tab
Step 4: In the “List Command” box enter “LIST-a” (no quotes)
Step 5: Click “Accept”
Step 6: Log in and view directory, all is well.
Step 1: Go to the site profiles manager (Ctrl+W)
Step 2: Go to the properties of the site (left click -> properties, or select and Alt+Enter)
Step 3: Click on “Folders” in this list on the left
Step 4:Under “Folder Listing Command:”, select the “Use custom value:” radio button and type “LIST -al” into the dropdown menu immediately below.
Step 5: Click “OK”
In FileZilla
Step 1: Edit -> Settings -> Remote file list
Step 2: Be sure that “Always show hidden files” is checked.
Step 1: Server -> Force showing hidden files
In fireFTP
Step 1: Run fireFTP
Step 2: Select Preferences (Alt+R)
Step 3: Select the “General” tab
Step 4: Select “Show Hidden FIles”
Step 5: Click “OK”
Total Commander 7
Step 1: Go to Configuration
Step 2: Go to Options
Step 3: Go to Display
Step 4: Check show hidden folders
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