Author: Rose Bush

  • Running ColdFusion as A Separate User

    ColdFusion needs to be limited, or in certain cased, granted more access, in the case of NAS shares, etc. Defaults: Way too open, give the user full control of: “WebDocument Directory c:\cfusion or c:\cfusionmx (and all subdirectories) c:\winnt c:\winnt\system32” Okay, web root seems fine, the ColdFusion install directory seems fine. My OS installation folder,…

  • KeePass for Web, ssh, MSTSC (RDP), ftp, sftp, and WinSCP

    KeePass and You, Scheming the PC KeePass (Professional Edition, I am using the 2 version Portable Package) is a phenomenal tool, that can save you insurmountable amounts of time if configured well.  I have taken the time to use it for numerous schemes and desktop environments to have it work best for me.  Find my…

  • True Story

  • Enumerate or Count Active Connections on a Given Port

    Enumerate Active Connections on port 1433: netstat -aon | find “:1433 ” Count Active Connections on port 1433: netstat -aon | find /c “:1433 ”   To Enumerate and Count Active Connections on port 1433 and 443 ECHO This is the log for %date%: >> C:\logs\log.txt ECHO Current number of connections to 1433: >> C:\logs\log.txt…

  • Locating crontab scheduled tasks in *nix

    If you need a list of all users crontab tasks, run this as root: for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do crontab -u $user -l; done   will loop over each user name listing out their crontab. The crontabs are owned by the respective users so you won’t be able to see another user’s…

  • Find Symbolic Links in *nix

    Find all symbolic links on a linux OS: find / -type l -exec ls -l {} \; Or if you want to output it to a file: find / -type l -exec ls -l {} \; > /home/admin/symbolic_link_list.txt

  • Granting MySQL Permissions and Deleting them

    Granting permissions in MySQL, localhost and external hosts must be separately run, the % sign means any external host and will not account for local connections: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO root@”localhost” IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO root@”%” IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; But say you wanted to then remove…

  • Perception is Relative

    Actions speak louder than words, and I find some actions speak poorly.  I find the LGBT world has a duality to it.  I belong to the transgender community, which is where I run into this the most.  For example, I pulled an article from here: The body is below, images are clickable, and although…

  • My Personal Shangri-La

    I have once heard rumor that somewhere there is still a Chi Chi’s. I imagine it hidden inside a mountain where Shangri-La is. So on some random corner is a long lost land, is the best Mexican Restaurant chain ever, known only to the locals of Shangri-La.   Oh wait, I found them:

  • Solved iMessages Txt Msgs Coming From Email Address

    To correct the issue, on the iPhone, go to iMessages To check if you have the problem yourself: Go to settings > Messages > Send and Receive Under “You can be reached by iMessage at”, if your phone number is not ticked, you have this problem. To fix (this worked for me): Go to Settings…