Author: Rose Bush
Running ColdFusion as A Separate User
ColdFusion needs to be limited, or in certain cased, granted more access, in the case of NAS shares, etc. Defaults: Way too open, give the user full control of: “WebDocument Directory c:\cfusion or c:\cfusionmx (and all subdirectories) c:\winnt c:\winnt\system32” Okay, web root seems fine, the ColdFusion install directory seems fine. My OS installation folder,…
KeePass for Web, ssh, MSTSC (RDP), ftp, sftp, and WinSCP
KeePass and You, Scheming the PC KeePass (Professional Edition, I am using the 2 version Portable Package) is a phenomenal tool, that can save you insurmountable amounts of time if configured well. I have taken the time to use it for numerous schemes and desktop environments to have it work best for me. Find my…
True Story
Enumerate or Count Active Connections on a Given Port
Enumerate Active Connections on port 1433: netstat -aon | find “:1433 ” Count Active Connections on port 1433: netstat -aon | find /c “:1433 ” To Enumerate and Count Active Connections on port 1433 and 443 ECHO This is the log for %date%: >> C:\logs\log.txt ECHO Current number of connections to 1433: >> C:\logs\log.txt…
Locating crontab scheduled tasks in *nix
If you need a list of all users crontab tasks, run this as root: for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do crontab -u $user -l; done will loop over each user name listing out their crontab. The crontabs are owned by the respective users so you won’t be able to see another user’s…
Find Symbolic Links in *nix
Find all symbolic links on a linux OS: find / -type l -exec ls -l {} \; Or if you want to output it to a file: find / -type l -exec ls -l {} \; > /home/admin/symbolic_link_list.txt
Granting MySQL Permissions and Deleting them
Granting permissions in MySQL, localhost and external hosts must be separately run, the % sign means any external host and will not account for local connections: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO root@”localhost” IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO root@”%” IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; But say you wanted to then remove…
Perception is Relative
Actions speak louder than words, and I find some actions speak poorly. I find the LGBT world has a duality to it. I belong to the transgender community, which is where I run into this the most. For example, I pulled an article from here: The body is below, images are clickable, and although…
My Personal Shangri-La
I have once heard rumor that somewhere there is still a Chi Chi’s. I imagine it hidden inside a mountain where Shangri-La is. So on some random corner is a long lost land, is the best Mexican Restaurant chain ever, known only to the locals of Shangri-La. Oh wait, I found them: