Tag: Miva Merchant 5.5
MER-STA-DTB-00008 – mysql stmt prepare: Table ‘user.s01 Stats’ doesn’t exist
I got this error: Runtime error in features/sta/sta_db.mvc @ [00000007:00000028]: Line 151: MvQUERY: mysql_stmt_prepare: Table ‘user.s01_Stats’ doesn’t exist Miva Merchant has encountered a fatal error and is unable to continue. The following information may assist you in determining the cause of the error: Error Code: MER-STA-DTB-00008 Description: mysql_stmt_prepare: Table ‘user.s01_Stats’ doesn’t exist The problem was…
Miva Merchant 5.5 has hit the Streets!
Miva Merchant has just released their upgrade to 5.5. I like it. It has great features. You will like it too. Rock on Miva Merchant, Rock on.